FITS to total DR rate coefficients for N-like ions. Original paper: Mitnik and Badnell A&A425, 1153 (2004). 19/04/06 The comment of 22/12/05 referred to N-like Oxygen ONLY. 11/03/06 adf09 archived data only for NTAR1=4 initial metastables instead of 5. 22/12/05 O: n=3 pseudo orbitals were used to obtain a good target for 2-2 DR, consequently Rydberg n started at 4. Now added-in contribution for n=3 Rydberg from non-pseudo calculation which gives a small low-T peak (RR dominates though). Also count 2s2p^5 contribution to DR. 18/04/05 Fits for K,Sc,V,Mn,Co,Cu added using adf09 files from Mitnik (unpublished) calculated as per Mitnik and badnell. 23/02/05 Z= N= headers were missing (all ions). 01/02/05 Original web release. The total DR rate coefficients from the adf09 files of Mitnik and Badnell have been re-fitted so as to be valid over a wider temperature range viz. essentially the entire ADAS z-scaled range of 10*z^2 - 10^7*z^2 K, where z is the residual charge of the electron target. Note that the original fit coefficients for Fe were "ill-conditioned" in the sense that if used below the minimum temperature of validity the rate coefficient eventually blows-up exponentially because of the negative value of E_1, leading to a positive exponential exponent.