FITS to total DR rate coefficients for O-like ions. Original paper: Zatsarinny et al A&A412, 587 (2003). 27/01/06 Mg, Cl, Ca, Sc Observed and calculated energies were in eV, but not flagged as such to ADASDR post-processor which expects Ryd by default. So, a shift dE was overshot by ~10dE. Affects low-T end of photoionized plasma range. 02/03/05 Original web release. The total DR rate coefficients from the adf09 files of Zatsarinny et al have been (re-)fitted. The original fits published by Zatsarinny et al were to DR totals generated by processing the AUTOSTRUCTURE rates thru the (MDRCS12) code which is used to compare with cooler measurements, and which bins resonance energies. This is inaccurate at low-T (temperatures comparable with the bin width). ADASDR, which produces the adf09 files, works with exact resonance energies and so, in principle is more accurate at low-T. Of course, the theoretical uncertainty of near threshold resonance positions is "large" anyway. The differences between the two sets of results could be viewed as a measure of theoretical uncertainty.