FITS to total RR rate coefficients for Be-like ions. Paper: Badnell APJS 167, 334-42 (2006). 21/12/05 Metastable totals had incorrect hydrogenic top-up (partials and ground state total unaffected). 15/10/05 Re-ran B,C,N,O with more accurate structure for capture to n=2. 26/09/05 Re-fitted B, C and N - a little more accurate. 16/09/05 Original web release. The fits of the total RR rate coefficients (of the adf48 files) of Badnell et al. The fits are essentially valid over the entire ADAS z-scaled range of 10*z^2 - 10^7*z^2 K, where z is the residual charge of the electron target. The results for Kr, Mo, Xe are, currently, "IC" not "ICR" i.e. non-relativistic wavefunctions were used.